Thursday, December 16, 2021

Nurture the Beyond

A lot to say
A lot to do
That's the way of life to nurture.

As you go..
You realise you are standing at a new point to start walking again.

Take the walk as it comes and Live the flow.

Gathering all the smiles along
You live 
You love
You laugh.

Nurture the beyond.
Believe in yourself
For you are as beautiful as a creation of this universe.

And when you sum up to walk again
.. always remember, you are just there!

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Way of life has taught us many things in which laughter is one most important and beautiful aspect.
Live life happily as it comes.

Live  is the basic fundamental to go with.

Keep shining bright in beautiful days of life connecting yourself with creations around.
And as you grow with the passing days, keep the learning phenomena alive. 

So grow
With the flow
At every step of formation that life provides you.


Friday, October 29, 2021


Morning πŸŒ… time..
A very blessed time
To be with yourself and the amazing chirping birds around!!
The serenity of Being 🌞🌷

The calm and composed Sun calls out with its open warmth to everyone.
Is that not a rise in itself if we see..
An awakening from the inside out.

Nature calls us to believe that we are not only beautiful but also the very creation of this serenity.

Let us all believe and have faith, once again that every little detail with the creation of this world, matters as much as everything around... thankfully.

Be blessed πŸ˜‡
Be thankful 🎢

Monday, October 18, 2021

The way it Is

Why am I here
For the purpose not known to me

Just staying the way it is 
And breathing existence

Not uprising the grants and permissions
But just Being


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

SUKSHMA : the origin

 Hello my beautiful readers πŸ˜ŠπŸ’

Its a new beginning of the Very New year! And I wish you all a blessed time ahead and always. We have been watching throughout the year '2020 that there were many ups and downs as regards to the time spent. And we all could manage to come over the difficult situations some way or another. That's because we all have that faith residing in our spirits. The faith to overcome and move on. That's how the life goes. 

And I am happy we are here again together reading this πŸ₯°

.. today as I talk of the faith in our spirits, I refer here, to keep in mind that we all are made up of the same matter. What matters most for us all, do matters the same for everyone. Its just the difference in perception at which a person is standing and looking at the things.

We breathe same Air ..we drink same Water.. we walk down the same Earth! Where do we find here the difference in existence then?

The only difference lies in the understanding for life provided to us as an amazing gift by the same Lord we seek and pray each day πŸ™✨

The beautiful life we should be thankful for.

When we are sharing all the same Matter as living beings, don't we see the same origin of this existence! 

But only because of our petty egos we all forget that we all are same forms. We all forget that besides the race of Life there lies the human race of same existence and Shine to be thankful for.

The same origin of belonging to a very little Atom tiny a particle ..the 'SUKSHMA' that is what is our reality. 

We all are as tiny as little particles in the atmosphere around. That's where we come from. 

A tiny atom whole beings .. to overloaded personalities, with Ego Rebel Hatred Complaints Thanklessness Arogance Selfishness Anger and many more to load with.

Such tiny a particle of existence and so much of load !! Strange ..

Strange, that we can't even pursue to be the hopeful light and energy we all are born from. The light of selfless Love and reflections of belonging keeping in mind the non complaints and Thankfulness. 

Keeping in mind that 'SUKSHMA' isn't only the energy we must justify to belong to but also the only source of our Being alive and being able to beautify each dayπŸ™

Let us realize we are 'SUKSHMA'
