Monday, June 4, 2018

Garden Of Lord 🐝🌻

In the garden of Lord,
when we walk all the walks ...
We are so busy walking that we forget to "thank" Mother Nature and Lord for all the breath in belief we Live by !

What we restore as energy to be Clinging onto daily dos...
is actually the frequency abiding us all from the Power in Gratitude towards Mother Nature and Lord.

We hardly give it a thought that there has to be a daily reminder to Soul to be in gratitude with all that we have, for living ...

smelling the Flowers 🌸🌺

listening the music of Birds

shining with the Sun 🌝

humming with the Bees

stepping onto Earth

drinking the sprinkling magic of Water

and consuming precious Food

Once we set ourselves with these daily alarms of GRATITUDE just as we set daily alarms for waking up in the morning,
We are all journeying the HUMANKIND 😊😊

stay Awake !
thank Much !
complain Less !

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Introduction🎸 : Destination ⛅

A mother gets introduced to the Motherhood when she becomes a mother.
So, when a child is born ...A mother is born too !

All through the passing years in developing her children, a Mother actually forgets herself and sits at the back seat of the Car called :
"Let's Go"
which leads all to the journey called Destination.

Once she completes this journey with her children, placing them safely at the Destination they chose... she gets down of the Car... and moves to the next plane !
And That's How She Lives.

She lives her life with the arms beheld around her neck 24x7 by her children.
She lives her times with the joy her children learnt throughout the passing days.
She dances her moves with the children's way of grooving.
She acknowledges her power with the wisdom her children explore.
And telling them the truth of life in being a 'Self Realized' being, she proudly adorns the hat called "Mother".

How many of us,
How many of times, actually take time to look at our Mother and give her a thanks for making us all, the ONES we are ?

Let us go to Mother
and thank her.... because That's How She Lives !
