Saturday, March 31, 2018

PLANTS ....a Connect πŸƒπŸŒ»πŸƒ

A plant is a formation of seeding the Very New process of being able to grow Belief.

Human evolution is very Basic with the connection in Nature,
With plants
With trees
With the Bees
And Sky and Meadows

When we see a plant we feel that Calm,
of being able to relate to the Belief that everything exists with its own Original Growth.
We feel fresh
And we feel connected to these plants in some or the other way.

Just as the connection we live to breathe while In the position of Human Mandala.


A Team πŸ•πŸ°πŸ˜ŠπŸŒŽπŸ˜Š

Human Spirits, are A Team

Living with each other, is A Team

Togetherness, is A Team

Caring for each on Planet Earth, is A Team

Conduct with spirituality in being and understanding that we all are One, is A Team

Playing with daily facts to face intact with Courage, is A Team

Praying for All,  is A Team

Persistent efforts to make mind to accomplish Peace in Surroundings, is A Team

Teaching our children to be brave enough to step ahead with Respect and Thankfulness, is A Team

Listening to the destination and Other side of the day, is A Team

Let's us be A Team to ponder Gratitude and Peace and Love and Harmony on this planet



 it is said that we feel a Light within all of us when we are Happy or Content.
And we feel sometimes, the Dark when we are Sad or Discontent.

These daily Auras of Light and Dark are nothing but the way we think about the sequence of thoughts we have, in a day, by the twenty four hours.

It is all about how we feel.
Which is, connectively, a very Blessed aspect of being a Human.

All of us on this Planet, are connected with these emotions of Dark and Light with whosoever is born in the Mother Nature.

We all Bloom
We all fall Apart
We all Stabilize
And We all respect back ourselves for the lovely time we are given by the Lord to see and Enrich each day.

All the passing days are teaching us something good.
We just have to open the window to Learning and be grateful.

Concoction of the zone PREPARATION,
 for the way we Think, is the ORIGIN to manifest and develop thankfulness for we can always become what we Think !!!