Friday, August 26, 2016


Tender beauty in nature..
Petals of calm and heal..
Always they smile  :)  with all the winds of
Flowers are the radiance spread
Flowers are the smiling bed
A pot of joy and peace look at and be amazed !

Oh mother nature ..
Thank we must you, to be the power of existence and teach us to remain humble and pure as gentle as the blooming flowers all around

Appreciating  all  Acceptance !

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Our pattern of behavior depends a lot upon how we feel at a particular time at particular stage..

We keep drawing all the different patterns
compiling to different stages.

We chose to draw them as much frequency of understanding we have imbibed through.
And the learning ...still remains prior, of that of the "WE" as individuals ..walking alongside the understandings.
Gathering the blooms of different shades of sketches of optimism.
Picking Smiles to keep and live  :)  :)

Sketch Beauty !
Understand Patterns !
Live Smiles !

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Perpetuality !

What is never ending, everlasting, remaining unchanged, perpetual ... of all of us as creations ... is the power to hold upon the truth in our existence ,

Hope awakes us in the morning
Hope makes us sleep at night
Hope afloats the belief
Hope emerges the strength
Hope equalises the balance in dare and truth
Hope manages the very smiles  :)

HOPE has the power of STAY !
(to stay proactive with the belief in having been created by the supreme Energy).

Monday, August 15, 2016

I N D E P E N D E N C E !

An INDEPENDENT thought ..

One Race - Human Race
One Place - Mother Earth
One Existence - Togetherness
One Blood - Honesty
One Motto - Love
One Prediction - Survival
One Bread - From the Soil
One Air - Breath
One Shelter - Sky
One Play - Joy of laughters
One Realisation - Peace !

Why hate each other ,when we all share such Oneness ..

Be Peace
Love Peace
Live Human

Friday, August 12, 2016

S T E P S !

Is a new day..

Taking us all through the journey we travel in steps.
Sometimes the steps of evolution ..
Other times the steps of resonance ..

Clarifying the mist Under Trials,
we keep aheading the steps forward.

Because the journey itself is a Consecutive path of directions we chose to diversify and learn from.

Staying positive for having travelled and learnt,
makes way to the strong belief in Steps of daily !


Sunday, August 7, 2016


Every child's education is a must to lay as basis to the foundation in development.

When our children are educated, they make better a part of society for themselves and around.

However, education does not limit in context with books and write ups.. To read through and Perform,
but surely with the day to day analytical and learning skills relating to behavioral pattern as well.

Education includes every mode of conduct as to produce
Responsible individuals,
Positive believers and
Action justifiers.

Let us all practice and portray to display to the children, the very need of today's times..
That is, to be the makers of strong society with values in action and belief, truly !

Saturday, August 6, 2016


God created wisdom in the form of mindfulness to all the beings.

Providing us all with that one essence of righteousness in our actions.

Actions to wisely promote the true happiness through our prayers to retain peace and calm on Earth.

Motivating the self power of humanity, love, care and compassion stringing with Sunrises and Sunsets.

Thanking Almighty.

Friday, August 5, 2016


Commitment is the heart of dutiful

Commitment is the soul of seeker

Commitment is the joy of truth

Commitment is the youngest seed to thought ,

And commitment is the purest to retain.

Commit to humane and accomplish your existence.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


There is a world inside of all of us besides the world we daily see and live with.
That's the world of our inner self - the reflection.

Regardless of the much prior attention

needed to be given to these reflections of ours.. we just keep waking and living everyday.

Let us all open ourselves to this inner self and appreciate the beauty within. The beauty which god has already framed inside of all of us.

Beauty of contentment
Beauty of peace
Beauty of being dutiful
and Beauty to empathize .

Love your reflections for you are your whole World you look up to

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


All the days of life, the whole world keeps walking .. trying to reach to the destination.

Sometimes alone,
Sometimes together,
Hand in hand, the other day
Straightly straight, some of days.

Must not we forget to thank all the ones we meet during this journey to the destination.
For thankfulness is blessing itself.

Completing our worlds of daily mental chaos which we ripple by ourselves.
Let's thank all of all we have around.