Wednesday, September 27, 2017

A U M 🌸

Not only a word it is as "AUM"
But a purification of all the vocabulary we Mesmerise in our daily pronunciations !

The word AUM is the origin
Of all the sounds we need to mark as Words and put in the form of our talks.

It is the first most sound having heard in the Breezing air right when the Origin of 'BEING' took place.
This sound could be in form of humming or simply in the form of early silence in the morning towards and around us...
..To which the Sun awakens,
..To which all the birds respond having listened and being a part of,
..To which all the bees sing along with their buzz,
..To which each creature abound itself and feels in Rhythm with Creation.

We Breathe AUM
We walk with AUM
We emancipate freely in AUM

for AUM is the Creation and Belonging