Friday, November 11, 2022

Are we Tired 🌞

Each day is a new day, a new way of being. We see all the same fresh sky to look at.

We breathe the beautiful fresh air to live.

We bathe the Same sunshine to fade away all darkness.

We smile with all the same trees and flowers.

When everything around us is all the same and providing us the same quality of life, it never gets Tired.

Then why do we feel tired...ever wondered!

We get tired of ourselves, our perception towards life, not being able to feel like a new born child ready to explore life, we are so busy preparing ourselves for tommorow that we unlearn to live for today.

And that's what makes us tired in seeing things the way they are!

The Beauty in being.

Seek inside the individual you are and you will find that your Soul never gets tired.

It is as illuminated as born.

Rely on the energy of existence.

And the powerful Soul that guides us through.

So just live Life!

Enjoy being!

Do not get tired!

And stay connected to your Soul 


- Pratiroopa reflections 


  1. Remain in touch with the live wire then feel the flow of perineal joy in you

    1. Thank you so much for your prolific comment 💐😇🙏🌞 Dear Reader

  2. This is so beautiful though. We are so concerned about our tomorrow that we forgot to enjoy our today.

  3. Thank you so much 😇🌷🙏 Dear Reader! I am very glad, we all are together in this stream to be flowing with the times in learning 🤗. Enjoy 👍
