In the garden of Lord,
when we walk all the walks ...
We are so busy walking that we forget to "thank" Mother Nature and Lord for all the breath in belief we Live by !
What we restore as energy to be Clinging onto daily dos...
is actually the frequency abiding us all from the Power in Gratitude towards Mother Nature and Lord.
We hardly give it a thought that there has to be a daily reminder to Soul to be in gratitude with all that we have, for living ...
smelling the Flowers 🌸🌺
listening the music of Birds
shining with the Sun 🌝
humming with the Bees
stepping onto Earth
drinking the sprinkling magic of Water
and consuming precious Food
Once we set ourselves with these daily alarms of GRATITUDE just as we set daily alarms for waking up in the morning,
We are all journeying the HUMANKIND 😊😊
stay Awake !
thank Much !
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when we walk all the walks ...
We are so busy walking that we forget to "thank" Mother Nature and Lord for all the breath in belief we Live by !
What we restore as energy to be Clinging onto daily dos...
is actually the frequency abiding us all from the Power in Gratitude towards Mother Nature and Lord.
We hardly give it a thought that there has to be a daily reminder to Soul to be in gratitude with all that we have, for living ...
smelling the Flowers 🌸🌺
listening the music of Birds
shining with the Sun 🌝
humming with the Bees
stepping onto Earth
drinking the sprinkling magic of Water
and consuming precious Food
Once we set ourselves with these daily alarms of GRATITUDE just as we set daily alarms for waking up in the morning,
We are all journeying the HUMANKIND 😊😊
stay Awake !
thank Much !
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