Saturday, April 30, 2016

UTMOST requirement

And communication gap arises from the daily shortening of span of togetherness.
And increase in the span of "SPACE" much demanded.

And this "SPACE" one day,
Becomes the unwanted "GAP".

Let us be careful.
Let us be together.
Let us be more relying.
Let us be more focused , to avoid letting our teens be lost in woods of rage, betrayal and noise.

(the utmost requirement of times).

My Teens !

What has happened to our growing teens ?
They do not want to listen to anyone any more.
They think that they are the best of the most important thing to themselves and to this world.
Always tuned into their own tunes, rest assured not belonging to the realities of life.
They want to follow their own virus of   "rules to follow" lists.

Responsibility is a passe for them.
Reliability is through their flaky dictions.

And what's behind all the aggression ?

- Communication   Gap.

Piece of mind

Peace of mind
Is the Piece of mind
In place
With hymns of whites
And sparks of blues
And brightness of orange

A hope to rely upon


Peace is always at place it should be.

The war arises from its corner and approach Peace to kill it

Putted in the hands of misconceptions

Fired with the sticks of non mercy

Burnt till......'its end' ,

With cries
And fears
And devastation
To have .

Friday, April 29, 2016

anger Management

So ....
How do we manage our Anger ??

Let's write down 3 steps (only)

And we will learn to manage our anger.
:)  :)  :)

(Actually works) .

this WORLD .

World of you
World of me
And around everybody.

Its the same, all the times.
Just the showcase changes.
And it will always be.

Travelling allwhere, we rest and travel again...
To seek and meet, even we don't know.
But the walking steps catch along the withheld distance,
And put us back to walk again and seek and meet
The Unknown.

:)  :)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

this Animation, we create

For the animation of a character created, we need a software to put interesting arrangements to our character.
- making the character move on clicking added movements
- making it smile on added action
- making the eyes expression as per required
- feeding talks as per the needed dialogues
- making it walk into the steps counted for it .

That's how we are able to create An Animated Character.

What about the animation, most of  "people"  add to their Conversation or Behaviour or Adaptability ??

:)   :)


Anger takes away the pride.
Anger takes away the joy.
Anger takes away the dignity (sometimes).
Anger burns the very us, within us.

Anger demolishes the tolerance.

Anger makes us look like the outraged monster.


Different Colors

How many colours do we see around and relish the beauty of existence , in a moment of time. ?
As many to describe, as much we know.

All the beautiful colours are necessarily created to make the things appear, the way they seem to us.
Each colour has its own Enigma
Each person on this planet has its own enigma too, to contribute to its place.



Examining anything and being judgemental is the best easy way to give importance to yourself and grab also.
Most of important is to put yourself in other's shoe and then do the justified Talking.

Never reach to conclude what you little know about.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mirror on the Wall..

Read yourself well , not in front of the mirror on the wall
But in front of the mirror inside of you.

Make corrections as per required.

Eliminate negative comparisons.

Progress towards positive attitude.

And sooner than immediate, you will find your children blooming the reflections of your positivity.
(without the need for SPANKING them).

Best Display

Increased negligence towards Children.

Decreased emotional understanding.

Imperfections towards daily family bondage.

- Anti social behavioural pattern and
- Terror display in our innocent children. 

When we Spank our children ..

Long time and every time it has been studied and researched by the analytical theories that :

The more our children are spanked by us, more likely they are to defy parents, as they are,  inside of them,  experiencing increased Anti Social behaviour, Aggression, Mental health problems and Cognitive Difficulties.

And prior to paying attention to our own behaviour, we LABEL and CRITISISE and ADVOCATE our children's behaviour as Abnormal or Unacceptable.
Which very supposedly, applies to us


(when do we spank ourselves for our bad behaviours)
?  ?  ?


As described in the earlier posts also by blog Pratiroopa, focus is always put upon dealing with the empowerment and betterment of self and the daily issues relating to our dear Families and the society we live in.
Most important of which is our dear, respectable Children. They do deserve the same respect we expect from them for us.
Our children always follow and portray in their actions, all that we act and portray in front of them.

Step by Step

We have our young generation with full flows of Creative Expression.

Creative Art education should be taught and initiated with a series of interactive and friendly concepts to practice. And then, it proves as the ample opportunities for seekers and learners to master their art expression.
Topics to practice any series of art must cover all walks of life.
Using thoughts, imagination, expression and creation skills.


teach it well
So the learners learn it well
:)  :)

Probabilities are the Possibilities

What is possible and what is not possible depends upon the understanding of acceptance of the fact.

Possibilities can be considered as Treasure for life to pick and choose from.

While enhancing the understanding of
What's happening
What's happened and
What will happen.

Rate of Success / Failure

Nothing happens without trying.
Trying is the first step to half the way to reaching success or failure.

Its not always Important to be able to succeed in the efforts TRIED.
What's important is TRYING.

Much of the motivation arises out of Failures of the tried efforts.
But these failures are remembered to be content with the feel of "having tried" , at least.
On the other hand, sleeplessness hovers when we feel efforts as "not even having tried", undoubtedly.

Most important of all in life, is the Dedication to try.

the FACT

Is a


Evaluations of statements provided to protect and prove the decision,
Is apparently known as Judgement.

All of us know this.
But ...
The evidences presented and the statements occurred need to be TRUE
And only TRUE to establish the righteous Judgement.

And in today's time of absenteeism of TRUTH and REALITY and being able to FACE ...
How do we expect AND accept Judgement ??

Monday, April 25, 2016

Eyes Closely Open

He was too old to work.
But he was working his day out to manage the least personal expenditures of his own.
With his old wife, he was living in a small rented accommodation.
Within all the simplest means of living, they never had any high demands.
He was doing it all ,,,
Because he never wanted to be labelled a " Piled on" being.

And seeing the behaviour of his brought up children and their ongoing families. ..
He had to stay back of his counted steps, which he had planned to be TOGETHER.

But his own ones were there to just keep walking with eyes closely opened.

Ask yourselves just once .

Rooted and Connected :) :)

Simpree was holding an egg in her hands,
whole that day.
Her mom asked,
"Why are you keeping this egg with you all the times ??
Keep it aside to its place."

And the 5year old Simpree replied with a biiiiiggg smile,
"Mommy dear, the egg you see here is where I started from Being. ..."

And the mother smiled back joyously at her young realiser.
Besides having learnt to stay rooted and connected. 


The place where we once start living is known as the settlement of our stay.
No longer then we remember the past places travelled and felt close to.

The new changes keep accommodating themselves in our lives.
We give them way to settle with us.

Learning from new changes helps in coping with the experiential past and present.
And getting used to the new place of settlement, now becomes the new mornings and new evenings on the same planet, at another place.

Keeping intact during, is required the eye close behavioral pattern with the rise in change of settlement.
Open armedly if we welcome this ,, everything becomes hopeful and joyous to be with at the same time.

[*my opinionated journey. ..when I got married and settled myself here.]
:)  :) happily. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

These Times of education ..

In today's changing times,
TWO critical qualities that students and learners
need to imbibe and regulate are
DISCIPLINE of hearing and ,
ADAPTABILITY to stand in all good or bad.

And the winner is standing in front of the mirror !

the Streets to School

I was travelling for a village in India, when I came across this remarking incident during my visit.
I got down of my transport and headed for the place I was supposed to be at.
People welcomed me as if they hadn't received any guests in ages.
I felt obliged of their behaviour unlike the fast paced formalities in towns and big cities.
Sitting relaxed in my room, I was knocked by a little girl with her little more brother at my door. Shimmi and Joka.
Shimmi was 7 years of age and Joka was 4.
They handed me over the food their mother cooked for us. It was an unusually simple delicacy, I can remember.
Both the sister and brother kept waiting for my call till I finished my food.
I called them and thanked for the same. I asked them,
"Which class do you study Shimmi, and what about your brother. ?"
She said, "What are you asking, I don't know the meaning of class."
I asked again,  "Which school ....?"
She said,  "What is school. ?" And I now knew that they haven't attended any school yet.
She also said, "My whole day is so busy working the days' chores, that I don't have any time to do anything else. My parents did the same. So I am happy with all in the family."
All she used to do at her age was, cleaning, cooking, nannying her siblings, filling water pitchers and helping her mother in all she was asked for.

I actually realised that moment that most of the kids in villages and slums around, never got a chance to explore the Streets to School !

A human visionary

Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941)

A visionary par the achievable goals for humanity and wisdom pertaining to the success of human race.
A man of docility with combined knowledge of times and experience to add to an arena forthcoming.
The nobel laureate poet-painter-composer who penned 'Geetanjali' and gave the immortal poem " God, lead me from darkness to light. ..".
His literary genius was matched by his commitment to challenge conventions, that saw him lay the foundation of "Shantiniketan",
an institution having the status of a 'temple' among educational institutions.

Once he quoted,
"A mind all logic
Is like a knife all blade.
It makes the hand bleed
That uses it."

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Chance .

What is
Your contribution to this

To this world .

Our Thanksgiving to this world implies with our contributions to this world.

Contributions needn't be the taxpayers OR myth creators OR priestly actors OR slip supporters ...

The creation lovers,
The aimers of truthfulness,
The feelers of omnipresent joy of living. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

My Actions

I am performing my actions with the consistency of knowing that I am performing.
For which I am responsible.
Rest all isn't my issue of consideration prioritised of being Staged and Awarded.

Perform your actions well,
Therein all the task satisfies.


Each belonging to each

Question : What do we do as members of our family ??
Answer : We always try to keep the whole family intact.

Through us, our children must get a glimpse of the staggering variety and great beauty in being United.
They should also need to be sensitised to the idea of heritage. Belonging to each one of us.
It is therefore our duty to preserve and protect the ideology of belonging.

That is one way we can contribute to this society. 


We all depend on the Earth for our existence and we must protect and nurture it.

everything in nature is linked, even our actions.

when we harm the Earth it will have an adverse effect on our lives and the fulfilling resources we depend upon and the future generations of ours.

identify the actions that can be taken to protect the environment of Earth.

what is the impact of our wasteful negative actions .. on Earth???
what ways do the people misuse Earth ???

Earth Day is Every Day.

All around us, we see violence, disgust, hate, envy, dishonesty...etc. many enough to pollute our mother Earth.
Emphasis should be given on to eliminate this oddness on Earth.
By developing a holistic view of the planet and its forms and the need to exist in harmony with our shared home called 'Earth'.
Particularly in the light of recent alarming rate of Environmental Degradation and Climate Change, this generation must need to learn that human lifestyle in the future will hold the key to the health of the planet Earth.

let there be light
let there be Earth.

Way of teaching :)

When our kids are studying Social Science,  they understand lot of things only by looking at pictures in the book, relating to their daily environment.
They often struggle to understand the difference between small concepts and large concepts. But if we help them with the following of concept understanding using everyday examples, they grasp really fastly.


Teach them well, so they study it well !

The way of teaching it, could be. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Shall I Thank you !!

Around .

Signage .

Signing a piece of paper doesn't sign up for lifetime of togetherness or  having created a bond of cotton chapters.
Neither does the paper work tear apart, the one from one.

Love happens when we let exist.

Relations happen when we make them true.

Public assignments of signing emotions are not for personal.

Heroes through the ages :)


A huge army of Etruscans was on its way to conquer Rome.
The Roman army was not prepared to face the invasion.
The citizens felt nervous.
"The enemy is approaching the bridge on the Tibes!" Someone came shouting, running into the city.
A narrow bridge was all that the invaders had to cross. When nobody knew what to do, one man sprang to his feet. With two of his friends following him, he stood at the head of the narrow bridge. "Go on dismantling the bridge! "
He shouted to his friends.
While the two friends worked tirelessly to destroy the bridge, COCLES stood resisting the invaders. He fought heroically even after being wounded....
"The Bridge is destroyed! !!" his friends cried from behind. And COCLES jumped into the river at once.
The enemy found it impossible to enter Rome without the bridge.
COCLES reached his city, safe.
Meanwhile, Romans were getting ready for a fight.
When the enemy army realised that,  it went back.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pavement for lifetime

The caged teachings and learnings will always result into path walked and yet not surely remembered.
The path of learning in our kids submits all that we tell them creating a pavement for lifetime.
They walk the path we show them.

Communication of joy and excitement for learning always welcomes the planning and production.

A child's life

Children's life at school is always linked to their life outside the school.
The daily dos go hand in hand.
And positive feedback on learning minimises the gap between the school, home and community.
Always encourage the children to reflect their own learning and to pursue imaginative understanding through questions and activities. Because within the given space, time and freedom, the children generate new knowledge by experimenting the information passed on to them by we adults.

Inculcating CREATIVITY and INITIATIVE is possible if we perceive and treat children as the participants in learning and not as receivers of fixed body of knowledge.

Creative group discussions attempt to enhance the learning endeavour as higher order opportunities for hands-on experience.

Teach the children right
See them growing bright.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Inside Outside

What do we look outside ??

Something to comment upon ..??

And what do we look inside ??

Something to hide beyond ..??

Outside .

No one to ask, No one to guide ..

When, at a point of age of us, we want to become the answerers of our own, we feel that we need no one to ask and no one to guide.

That's actually the point of time to testify ourselves in accordance with the power of creation we sail at that time.
And the discipline we create for ourselves should box out of the accumulated experiential knowledge we gained and shared during the formative years of our lives.

Peak of success touches all of us sooner when we dedicate and deliver extensively.
But to remember always is the move of humanity at every step of staged peak.
Directing, redirecting own decisions with own shoulders.

If alongside all the statements of action in our planners, we dedicate to deliver the best, happier than happiest are the parents who watch us daily by residing in us.
Parents become happy at the birth of their child.
Parents become happiest lucky when their child becomes dedicated in actions of own, responsibly.

*words quoted are the inspirational stances narrated by our dear Prime Minister Sir,

Session STARTED !!

The acquisition of skill providing skills has become significant in the social and educational milieu of today. The course of study and the action by the teaching teams, hand in hand provides a variegated source of contexts which can motivate the learning in students.

Keeping aside the idea of boredom of books, the practice material for the yearly pattern of the session started should aim at making the teaching and learning a stimulating experience by presenting a kaleidoscope of real life.
Which is meant to promote the capturing of subject intellectually and imaginatively as conscious effort to impart the knowledge effectively.

And when so much is considerably put in by the selective team of teachers, it must become the duty of learners to study well and impart the same around.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Time to Communicate

Sparing time to communicate is a must.

Communication shouldn't become a battlefield in the house.

Communication between parents and children differs with the age genre.

It has to be effective than being sparky.

Putting yourself in the child's shoe could be applicable to you because you have once crossed the same path with the same size of shoes. But expecting vice versa from the kids
Isn't going to be any good because they've never travelled the path of your age.

They confide in you when you confide in them.

Communication is a virus, create a good one.


Only One Day

That per day as only one day
The day we should've realised to be the only one day ...?

Parents and children these days are facing lack of communication at large.
The communication gap is so much like the weeds unwatchable cropping in our fields.
(Where fields be our operational grounds)

The families are lessening the listening time with each other and lengthening the stupid societal image powering.
The image we make outside in the world is the image made to perform. And to an extent, it plays vital for professional terminology.
But the terminology we display in affection and acceptance to work with in our families is much required to be important.
The image our children frame us into, is the image they follow as role model or say the image they display in their every now and then actions. 

Double Click

Double knock on the thoughts is alike double clicks.
Once having made a set of thoughts to work upon the next days. ..
Must we knock them once more to recheck the any unattended versus of both the sides of our resulting thoughts.

Rechecking avails foreknowledge as quickly as making the whole process flamboyant.

Even much before we could realise that the custard has become just too sugary, it is preferred always to RECHECK the contents with accurate measurability, before the final stroke of cooking. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Meditate ,, how !

Sitting in the accurate posture..
Eyes closed..
Deep breathing..
No noise..
No deviation..
Just calm .. and calm.. and calm..


9 years old Kanna came to me and said,
"When I change my channel of concentration from the Bad me to the Good me, by heart and mind and actions...I feel that I am meditating."
To which I took minutes to understand what she wanted to describe the meditation as.
Meditation actually is,
To deviate from bad to good of you
To dedicatedlly perform your assigned work
To engage the concentration into useful than wasteful
To be calm and practice polite

Lead to daily sessions of all of the above and be meditated WHOLE  DAY.

Becalming Buddha
:)  :)  :)

Thank you Kanna

How Responsible :)

Our very reliable messengers portray of the very sensible responsibility paid by them.
Why to look here and there for motivation regarding responsibility? ?
Or turn on the motivational quotes
Or visit the piled libraries to find chapters to read and gobble upon the term responsibility....

When we all can see the very examples of the same,  around all of us.
Everywhere we go. Need is just to keep the eyes and heart open to appreciate the sense of responsibility around us.

Our lovely pigeons have carried messages for thousands of years and delivered much more  quickly than people used to.
They were even used by Pharaohs to deliver messages in ancient Egypt.
They wereralso considered the reliable deliverers because they always found their way back home.



Jwala Mai shrine is located in the lower Himalayas in Jawalamukhi town of the Kangra district of Himachal, India.
In a square central pit inside the temple, the main flame burns, ,, ,endlessly.
Jwala Mai is probably the most ancient temple discussed besides Vaishno Mai.
There is a natural cave where eternal flames continue to burn.
The sacred most temple is associated with the legendary Hindu texts.
According to which,
When *Sati's body was divided into 51 parts, her tongue fell here at the Jwala Mai place.
The flames enlightening here are the representation of the same.

*Sati goddess, a personification of divine female energy, took human birth at the suggestion of Lord Brahma (The Lord of Creation).
So she took birth as the daughter of king Daksha (son of Lord Brahma).

And taught the world of say believers to strongly become the world of make believers, by her teachings through her sacrifices and personified practices of justice to existence. 

The form we think .

Jwala Mai / Jwala Ji is a beautiful Hindu goddess.
It is the physical manifestation of Jwala ji in the form of set of flames burning off naturally since times.
Here, Jwala means - flame
And Ji means - an honorific used to describe respect.
These number of naturally enlightening flames is usually either 7, for seven divine sisters
9 for nine Durga roopa (form).
The school of Buddhism also shares the symbolism of seven - forked sacred flames.

(The form we think ourselves to be, aren't we actually.
But the form given to us to see ourselves as.)

To we exist , so.

The pious days of Navratra, the nine days of pioity of goddess Durga are the days to remind me of my existence.
And once I go to connect with the core of the existence,  it becomes rather more peacefully realised to be in justice with my existence.
Thank you Navratra days.
(The nine days of celebration of womanhood and the existing energy on planet earth.)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Best of our ability

Everything we do, affects the society we live in.
So it is our social duty to serve others to the best of our ability.
Many people have been motivated by such words and have made the difference.

Reaching out by any medium and touching the lives of others requires a generous heart.
Everyone is busy so much that they don't seem to notice when the other people are sad or in pain. Such people can never be truly happy and satisfied with them. Because of un touching the areas of daily life in front of them.

It is easy to reach to any level and take.
It is harder to reach out and give.

If reaching out to the needy one and helping out as much we can, becomes a habit,
there will be harmony everywhere. 

Values we value must

We all know that money has value.
We need money to buy our food and clothes and many more things of usage.
There are things in life that are far more important too, and money can never buy them.

And how can we earn these things that money can't buy ??

We should start by building good character with good values.
We must take care to build strong relationships with family and friends.
We should also help others as much as possible, especially old people around us.
And, most importantly,
We should have a cheerful attitude towards life so the learnings go on and on and on ...

True or False

If one of the team members is acting its usual way of selfishness, will the team work well??

Do we learn Trust, Listening, Friendship and Responsibility during teamwork? ?

Different people bring different strengths? ?

Focus on individual goals becomes better by time ??

The same
Kids as well.


Nature has numerous examples of teamwork all around us.
When bees build hives and ants build anthills and when beavers build dams and wolves hunt in packs .... our hand working together with all the fingers ...
Nature is teaching us an important lesson that by working together we can ensure success.


When it comes to doing something unusually difficult,
we often need to work with others as a team. When we work with others as a group, the task is done faster and better. Different people are good at different things and each one contributes to the responsibility of getting the work through properly.

Teamwork brings many rewards. It builds friendship, trust and cooperation among all of us as a team. Besides teaching us,
A good listening habit and
Learning from each other.
Great scientific discoveries have often resulted from people working together as a team.


Friday, April 8, 2016

You ... and not me.

How literally easy it is to point out fingers on others. ..
Even in the common fights , we just enjoy pointing out others.
Be it arguments or daily do in the families.

"You did it.."
"I did it...."


Station 1

Heyyy  :)  we meet yet again.
Lovely presence of all of you esteemed.

During all the walks of life we step different stations crossing from Station 1, Station 2, Station 3, ..... , and so on.
And meet intact the new learnings to make sure we haven't missed the Station crossed.

Meet every Station,  learn all the new, share all the learnt, love all, make new co travelers, offer warmth ....
And the day comes when we spot ourselves on our last Station.


Without hatred .

Nibor was speaking a few lines on "Adaptation" in his human science class activity.
And said,
"We all are humans. All my friends and neighbours and cousins are all the same.
We all have 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth, 2 legs, 2 hands and 1 head.
We are all same. I don't see any difference to mark.
And when we all are the part of same human race, how can we fight upon similar issues we follow as human behaviour, the Adaptation....
Its easy for any one on this planet to adapt to the race, but we ourselves create destructive differences in between us by choosing the destructive path created with anti environmental
demands arising out of negative feedbacks and irreparable insecurities. "

The teacher was impressed and printed these words to put on the notice board of school.
So that the words become one of the positive feedbacks our race deserves to practice and live better with love and without hatred .

Well done Nibor.

Forum //

Existence  :)

Happy  :)

Complaining .

Only .

The beautiful days are the only precious asset we have of times.
Beautiful days of childhood
Beautiful days of adolescence
Beautiful days of immature maturity
Beautiful days of mid age
Beautiful days of old age .

To pick if I have to, I will only pick upon my times of living making a biography of a precious asset of beautiful days of learning all through.
Learning is fun to create our beautiful times.
Must we be open to learning,
All ways


Do we imply ? but

She said,
"I don't like the way my kids talk to me."
I said,
"Since how long you have noticed this?"
She said,
"I don't remember exactly, but they do often misbehave. "
I said,
"Then you must first try to scratch your bed of your very faulty way of talking, and then start blaming your kids."
She agreed because she knew of her faulty ways.

Kids learn what they watch.

Before we go to our child's school and howl over for the teachers' carelessness towards our child,
Must we have the courage to smell our own collar FIRST.


Let the kids be ..

Does an onion look like a capsicum? ?
A spoon can resemble with a chair??
A flower can look like a bag??
A heater can look like a bicycle? ?

All sounds absurd, right !
Then how can we compare our children with the others' ?

Each individual is given a particular way of life to lead with a multiple set of individual mental set up.
They always niche and bloom well ONLY when we let them be.
Our encouraging words can prove wisdom to them while all our words of comparison can put them to negative state of mind.
UNDERSTAND that no one likes to be compared.
Not even we as individuals.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The happy Shicosu :) :)

It was a normal school day happening after a long vacation time.
Shicosu woke up, caught his cab and went to attend the school.
He enjoyed the new class of this new session after exams.

And came back.
On his bed in his room, he saw a packet wrapped beautifully.
He opened it and found a very simple, nice shirt inside. It was his favourite orange colour. He was very happy to receive it.
Also a note was inside the packet,
"My dear son, you have been journeying whole year last year to attempt to be in your next class. I could see your efforts all through. And I wanted to give you this.
- Mum."

Shicosu became overjoyed. And hugged his mother waiting for him for the lunch time.

(Littlest of the gestures from parents can play big time motivation for the kids.)

Monday, April 4, 2016


Archives are places to conserve or store the documents, records, manuscripts, transactions, etc.
It basically records the day and year long transact related to any of the subjects.

Why not archive the all good of relationships so we can pick upon the past records and be merry again ?

Why not archive the stated security to our old ones who rely upon us always ?


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Light of lamp

The light illuminating out of a lamp doesn't ever signify the religion of that lamp lighted.
But only the humanity to wipe out the dark.
Humanity to signify the oneness.
Humanity to revise humility.
All ways.


No Sleeping

GOD never sleeps, we do.
In our actions of remembering GOD at the time of need only.

That time of need varies from person to person needing GOD to complain or thankfulness.



Creativity is nothing to do with we being amalgamatedly representing the beauty we can put to God's gift in us,
But it is definitely something to do with the Purpose of our actions so called creativity.

For which also, we must seek adaptability of what we put as our purposed presence.

Creative power is the only power to Survival.



Foundation laid is a pathway,

Path followed is a pathway,

Goals met and settled next are pathways.

Create the paths to lead to achievements.
To journisise the started.
Reaching the fulfilment of vision.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Public Smiles

Public smiles aren't always true smiles .

They are meant for putting in public .
So they are public smiles, and not personal smiles of content and rejoice .

We can well choose from the two as per suitable to us

Friday, April 1, 2016

The Black Energy

All our negative thoughts make us think of the things ALREADY in the place they might not even belong to.
We start creating a house of pre requisite thoughts from our side.
Without knowing the fact of the matter from the other side.

Its same as , if I am wearing a black colour glasses, I will see the world through that black colour.

Moment I change my glasses, my thoughts are changed.

When would we realise ?

Expecting .

Negative Allowance

Sadness hijacks the all in me.
It feels empty then.
I sit at a corner street.
Look through.
Decisively get up.
And walk again.
Walk again because I must.
No pushing me back around.
Ever at all do I entertain the Negative Allowance.
So it can no more impact my spree.
Spree of me being a happy :) soul.